How To Make and Use a Rock Sling – Shepherd’s Sling

A rock sling, also known as a shepherd’s sling, is an ancient weapon dating back to Biblical times. It consists of a simple pouch, with two strings attached to the pouch that are used to twirl the pouch in order to hurl stones at an enemy. Early societies used it as a hunting and warfare tool, while it has evolved into a unique recreational sport.

Unlike a lot of the defensive EDC gear you see today, the sling was an important siege and attack weapon to many ancient armies. In fact, in the classical Greek period, stingers and archers supported the infantry by attacking at long range to expose weaknesses.

The traditional hand sling deploys a smooth stone, roughly the size and shape of a small egg. In a survival situation, you can use a rock sling to hunt small game animals or use it as a weapon for defense against predators or intruders.

In this guide, we’ll show you the basics of how to make and use your own rock sling. From the type of rocks best suited for the sling and safety precautions when using one, we’ve got you covered! We’ll also discuss different types of slings throughout history and explore some alternative devices such as bolas and slingshots for throwing projectiles. So get ready for a journey back in time as you learn about this ancient weapon!

What is a shepherd’s sling?

Ashepherd’s sling is an ancient military weapon used to hurl projectile stones at enemy lines. In its simplest form, the rock sling consists of two interconnected slings made of strong material, such as leather or cloth, and loosely connected to two separate “slingers” who each hold one end of the slings in their hands.

The slingers then use the momentum created by swinging their arms back and forth to launch stones in a mercurial arc-like trajectory toward their targets.

The accuracy and force of these projectiles was great enough that they were capable of penetrating armor as well making them a relatively popular choice amongst warriors both old and new. Rock slings have had a variety of uses throughout their long history; from hunting animals for food, and launching stone-filled pots onto castle walls during sieges, up until modern times, when they have been used in crowd control situations or even as training aids for would-be soldiers.

Materials Needed

There are a few materials needed to make a rock sling. You will need some sturdy cord or thick string, 2 sticks, some light leather pieces and some thicker pieces of leather for the reinforcements.

The slingshot should feature two U-shaped sticks with a knot at each end where a piece of light leather is tied at either end so that the projectile is securely held in place when loaded. The two sticks are connected by wrapping the sturdy cord around them several times with two reinforcing pieces of thicker leather near the head of the slingshot and near the fork where more pressure is applied.

To use your shepherd’s sling, you will need to practice before relying on it as part of your self-defense arsenal or hunting toolkit.

How To Make A Rock Sling Step By Step

To create a hand sling of your own, select your cordage, whether it is made of natural materials, twine, nylon or paracord is up to you.

Each side of the sling should be about 24-26 inches long (depending on throwing distance and preferred accuracy), and for your pouch consider using a piece of animal hide, weaving a pouch out of cordage or perhaps repurposing the leather tongue of a shoe.

Here is a quick and easy tutorial to weave your entire sling out of paracord!

What to Throw

Your options are only limited by your imagination. Choose an object that fits well inside your pouch, and or make one out of clay by following this process on how to make clay shot.

How To Use Your Hand Sling

This diagram from Mother Earth News, demonstrates an effective overhand throwing technique to deploy your sling.

The Overhand Throwing Technique

[A] The thrower drops the pocket and draws the missile back into a wide vertical orbit.

[B] The throwing arm rises high, then swings down behind the slingers head to tighten the first orbit. At the same moment, the slinger begins a long “pitcher’s step.”

[C] The thrower completes the forward step as the missile reaches the top of its second orbit, and the knotted cord is released as the slinger’s wrist snaps forward.

Or check out this video tutorial:

Hope you enjoyed learning to make and use a rock sling.

Remember, in an SHTF or survival situation, you can use your wearable paracord gear to make tools and weapons.

You’re a survivalist and already know the importance of having emergency tools at hand. The Rock Sling – Shepherd’s Sling is an ancient weapon that can provide you with the necessary self-defense skills. It’s easy, economical, and could be a lifesaver when you least expect it. Learn how to make and use this powerful tool today!

Tips for Using a Rock Sling

Using a rock sling is an ancient form of weaponry, commonly used by shepherds in the Middle East for hunting and self-defense. A well-thrown rock from sling can cause serious damage if it hits its target. The following tips will help you use your sling more safely and effectively.

  1. Make sure to practice with ammunition of appropriate size: don’t use stones that are too small or too large for your sling – larger stones can be dangerous if not used properly, while smaller stones may lack the power to reach their intended targets.
  2. Balance the weight of the stone and the consistency of its material will best determine where it lands after being hurled from the sling at a target. The faster it flies out of the sling, the farther it will go, so make sure you pack enough momentum into your wrist action when throwing it so your aim is accurate!
  3. Always ensure that your eyes are covered with clear safety glasses when launching a stone with a rock sling to protect them from ricochets off soft ground or hard rocks that could fly back towards you dangerously at speed.
  4. Utilizing memory aid techniques such as reciting mantras or visualizing an impact point before releasing can help you become incredibly accurate when mastering how to use a rock sling properly – accuracy goes up exponentially this way!
  5. When loading and unloading rocks from your rock sling, be mindful not to introduce any foreign objects – twigs and other items could lead to painful slinging hazards or misfires and should be avoided whenever possible!

Safety Considerations

In order to ensure a fun and safe experience when using a rock sling, there are important safety considerations that should be taken into account. Safety glasses should always be worn when throwing rocks with the sling to protect your eyes from any pieces of rock or twine that may become loose when the rock leaves the pouch.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure you avoid throwing in the direction of people or objects that can potentially be hit by an errant stone or ricochet.

It is also critical to make sure that the sling can only take one round at a time – this will prevent the pouch from flying off in unexpected directions and keep everyone safe.

Finally, practice common sense when it comes to selecting rocks for launching – choose stones that aren’t too large or heavy so as not to create larger-than-expected impacts once they have been released from the pouch. If done properly and safely, using a rock sling can provide hours of outdoor fun!

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials do I need to make a rock sling?

To make a rock sling, you will need a length of leather cord or rope, a small stick, and a piece of cloth or leather for the pouch.

How do I use a rock sling?

To use a rock sling, hold the loop of the leather cord in one hand and place a rock in the pouch. Swing the sling around your head in a circular motion and release the loop when the rock is traveling at the desired speed.

How accurate is a rock sling?

With some practice, a rock sling can be an accurate and effective tool for hunting or self-defense. The accuracy of a rock sling depends on the skill and experience of the user.

What is a type 4 sling?

A type 4 sling is a sling made with both loop eyes formed as in type 3, except that the loop eyes are turned to form a loop which is at a right angle to the plane of the sling body. This gives the sling greater strength and stability, making it ideal for use in heavy-lifting applications.

Yes, you can hunt with a rock sling, but it is not the most efficient method. A rock sling is best used for small games, such as birds or squirrels. If you are patient and have good aim, you can take down a larger game, such as deer, with a rock sling. However, it takes a lot of practice to be proficient with a rock sling, and it is not the most effective weapon for hunting.


The shepherd’s sling has been used throughout history in hunting and warfare. It is a great way to learn coordination, aim and accuracy. With practice, you can become quite accurate with your slingshot. A rock sling is also a great way to have some fun with friends or family—just make sure you all stay safe while using it!

Once you understand the basics of how to make a rock sling and use it, there are plenty of ways to customize it. Different rocks can be used for different purposes including accuracy, power and range. You can also decorate your sling by weaving yarn through the pouch or adding beads or charms for an interesting design. Regardless of what you choose, building and using a shepherd’s sling will be an enjoyable experience!