8 Ideas You Can Steal from Primitive Weapons: Mastering the Art of Survival

Primitive Weapons

While any ordinary object like a stick or a rock can be used as a weapon, history shows us that with a little creativity, the resources around us can create some pretty powerful tools. A weapon is any device used with the intent to inflict damage or harm to a living being, structure, or system. … Read more

How To Disarm Someone With a Gun – Self-Defense Moves

Nick Drossos has a channel on YouTube where he teaches personal self-defense.  In this video, he shows us what to do when someone comes at you with a gun at point-blank range. The truth is most of these fancy techniques don’t work in reality. You cannot calculate and predict an entire sequence of defense (especially against an … Read more

How To Make a DIY Cheese Grater

Make a DIY Cheese Grater

Let’s say you’re about to do some campfire cooking and have everything you need to make your favorite delicious trail tacos except for shredded cheese. Don’t worry, if you’ve got a soda or beer can, we can turn that block of Cheddar into shredded cheese. How To Make a DIY Cheese Grater 1. Empty Can and Punch Holes In One … Read more

Finding a Survival Property for Your Rural Off Grid Retreat

We’ve talked in length about bug out bags, and bugging in or fortifying your home, but we haven’t covered bug-out locations that much.  A bug-out location is an off-grid retreat you and your family can safely travel to when the masses start looting for food. In America, finding a rural piece of land is the easy part. … Read more